Exterior of a community by Harbor Retirement Associates

Our Living & Care Options

Assisted Living

For those who could use a little help with day-to-day activities, HarborChase Assisted Living offers the optimum balance between care-giving and enriching activities, all within a warm, elegant setting. With a welcoming social environment, our residents often discover their new best friends are right here waiting to meet them. Learn more about the HarborChase Assisted Living Program.

holding hands at HarborChase

Memory Care

A safe and loving harbor for residents with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, our unique Memory Care residential program supports families and residents on this journey. By seeing each resident as an individual—rather than a diagnosis—our staff welcomes and celebrates each moment of grace whether it is one lived now or remembered. Learn more about the HarborChase Memory Care Program.

Skilled Nursing

The perfect transition from an acute hospital stay to home, skilled nursing provides 24/7 nursing care along with vibrant physical, occupational and speech therapy to get patients back to their lives with a deliberate speed. Generally utilized as short-term care, this service can also be provided for the longer term. Learn more about the HarborChase Skilled Nursing Program.

happy resident and nurse at HarborChase
Happy senior couple

Independent Living

Independent Living