Exterior of a community by Harbor Retirement Associates

Assisted Living at HarborChase

Making Every Day Shine

Our communities not only feel like home, they are home in every sense of the word. For those who could use a little help with day-to-day activities, HarborChase Assisted Living offers the optimum balance between care-giving and life enrichment, all within a warm, elegant setting.

Residents are invigorated by our Life Enrichment Program which offers over 21 activities on any given day. Families are always welcome to visit and to join in our cookouts, excursions and celebrations—or to just spend a little private time with loved ones whenever they wish.

HarborChase residents play dominoes

Our Staff

Our well-qualified and caring staff is available to give discreet help on a moment's notice, 24/7. And to answer everyone's favorite question, our dining rooms offer an ever-changing menu of delicious and nutritious meals.

With an inviting social environment, our residents often discover their new best friends are right here waiting to meet them.

Assisted Living Services and Amenities at a glance:

  • An ever changing menu of delicious and nutritious meals.

  • Life Enrichment program with over 21 activities to choose from each and every day.

  • Highly trained associates that take respect and quality care to heart.

  • 24/7 attention. Always a discreet helping hand in a moments notice.

  • Available services: MD, therapy, support groups, dermatology, auditory clinics, psychology, podiatry, and equipment repairs.

Resident friends share a laugh at HarborChase